Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Drive 1050km(667 miles) to IKEA to buy furniture

A completely empty apartment.
A young Norwegian woman sleeping on an air mattress on original wooden floors from the 1930's.
Her office is on the floor consisting of a Mac and a printer in her Art Deco apartment on South Beach, Florida.

Four weeks living in this spartanian home and something had to be done.

Went out every night after work searching all the furniture store in the Miami area, finding nothing but Big, Bigger than Biggest dark brown, plastic, fake leather sofas and furniture with no sense of style and design...

I did find some gorgeous design stores, but my wallet did not seem to appreciate it as much as I did. Then, what is a desperate European doing in her search for a nice looking home without being bankrupt?

The answer is IKEA. IKEA in Atlanta, Georgia. Only 1050 km away (667miles). I called Atlanta and they told me if I ordered online it would take three weeks to receive the furniture. No, no, no....I could not live like this three more weeks!

I have met some super cool and nice Swedish young men during my short time here. One of them have helped me with everything here; finding apartment, banking, parking permits and getting electricity (something you only get with American credits and good reputation). Without his help I would have given up long time ago and gone back to freezing Norway. Tack så hemskt mycket!

I called Magnus and asked if he wanted a road trip to Atlanta. Crazy to go 1050 km to buy furniture? Yes... Luckily he wanted to join me and we could stay with his Swedish uncle and aunt living there. We flew up Friday evening and got picked up by uncle Peter and aunt Harriet. They took us to a very nice restaurant. They were so nice and funny. After one hour the waiter came a bit irritated and wondered if we were going to order the food soon. We had so much to talk about that we forgot we were in a restaurant. Sometimes a good glass of wine and nice company is enough...

Early the next morning, uncle Peter, Magnus and I went to IKEA, after picking up the Penske truck. I did not expect to be happy to see the ugly IKEA building, but I did. When you are far away from home and see something familiar you feel a little bit like home. Just like how happy Americans get when they see we have McDonalds in Europe too.

Do you think it is easy to decorate a home in one day? Well, it is not, and especially not for a girl who knows exactly what she wants and not. After six hours of searching every corner of IKEA my new home was set. How my two Swedish men held their good moods all the time I do not understand. Thank you so much! Maybe it helped that we had Swedish lunch: meatballs with mountain cranberries and Swedish apple pie for dessert. Actually, that meal, with a taste of Scandinavia, is the best meal I have had for a very long time. I ate 15 meatballs and Magnus had 20!

When we came back home completely exhausted to aunt Harriet, she had made the best hors d'oevres and homemade lasagna. We had a very cozy evening and a night stroll to visit the neighbor’s goats. The surroundings were very beautiful with the leaves in orange, yellow and red. It was nice to get some feeling of the fall, compared to sunny Miami.

Early next morning, the 12 hours drive with the Penske truck started. It was a nice sunny beautiful fall day. Everything went smooth. Magnus is an excellent driver and I could just relax and entertain him with some jokes about the Swedes. You know, the Swedes and the Norwegians have jokes about each other. For instance: Why are the Swedes standing in front of the mirror with their eyes shut? Because they want to know how they look like while they are sleeping. I is hilarious. The road trip went very well, and was not so tiring and boring as I feared.

The very next day Magnus gave me a very pleasant surprise. I had been working until midnight and when I came home my apartment was clompletly furnished! He had been in my apartment and built all the furniture. A true handy man! And so good to me!

I could finally go to sleep,
in a completly furnished apartment
as a young Norwegian woman sleeping in a bed standing on wooden floors from the 30's.
The next day I could work on a desk with a nice fury office chair in my Art Deco home.


TorAa said...

A very good and well written story about how to be a young european in USA.

TorAa said...

From a Swedish collegue:

..... detta är ju så härligt:-)

Kind regards
Jenny Häcki

RennyBA said...

Hi Ingelin, I'm a good friend of Tor who invited me in.

Congrats with your new blog and this was a very readable post. Good luck with your furniture project and take your time to make it yours!

The world is become smaller: You, a Norwegian girl living in the US and I married to and American living in Norway. I wish you a wonderful stay and remember blogging connecting people and makes the world even smaller:-)

TorAa said...

From Anne Lise:

Yes, she is a good writer. Morsomt å lese. Takk skal du ha.


TorAa said...

From Walter:

Hei Tor,
story'en minner meg om min første tid på NEC.
Kjøpte ny brukt Volvo og dro til IKEA, men glemte hvor jeg hadde
Hvilken Volvo var min?????
Puh, Ingelin er heldig, det er en kjempejobb å skru sammen Ikea pakker,
og tungt å bære på plass.
Utstillingen går mot slutten, jeg er leiet inn til å snakke foto
Så eksklusivt begynner s/hv foto å bli......

Unknown said...

Sounds like quite the adventure. I guess it's not totally unheard of. But I would have thought there was an IKEA somewhere in Florida!

You've got a really faithful and wonderful friend...

And yes establishing is hard anywhere you haven't lived before!

TorAa said...

Greetings from a Norwegian married in Sweden (in fact our web-master):

Åh så artig å lese om reisen til IKEA! LOL! Og så flott skrevet! Magnus er jo en dröm! Love å si fra når det kommer fler historier!
Bente J.

Lisa said...

Starting in a new place is always very hard- it sounds like you are doing very well. I am lucky to have only a 3 1/2 hour drive to IKEA.

Best Regards and welcome to the U.S.

Ingrid said...

Your father send me over ! Red with interest about Ikea, yes it's a piece of Europe, we also have two here in Belgium and the Meatballs hmmm ! Can immagine that you couldn't find adequate furniture, the tastes are so different ! And the jokes are the same for Belgian flemish and belgian french people !

Raquel said...

I know what you feel because I am new to this country too.

Hope you can adjust soon Ingelin.

Welcome to the blogging world, hope you can write more! Oh by the way, I came across from Tor.

Ginnie Hart said...

What a great way to start your blog, Ingelin, and your life in America. You were in MY city (Atlanta) when you came here. So sorry I didn't know, but it sounds like you were welcomed very satisfactorily. You also got to see lots of Florida and south Georgia on your looong trip!

Welcome! Maybe you will now show us some photos of your nice, new furniture?!

Ingelin said...

Thank you very much to all of you for reading and commenting on my blog :-) Thank you for welcoming me into the blogging world! A new experience.
I guess I did not expect anyone would read it- hehe!
I will put picture on my blog as soon as I figure out how. I just heard IKEA will come to Miami in May, but that would have been a little too long to wait as well.

Renny: Yes, the world has become very small. It makes life more interesting! Have you written a blog about how you met your American wife?!

Walter: I am laughing about your Volvo story...Every day I visit ten stores and I park different places. I am spending too much time every day looking for my car. All the parking areas look the same.

Expat: Good to hear you dont think my loong trip was totally unheard of;) In May IKEA will come to Fort Lauderdale. Everybody is so excited about it here- so many Europeans living in Miami. Establishing in a new place i sreally hard, and especially when you are doing it alone.

Fleur de Lisa: Thank you for welcoming me to the US! I really like it here; and I have much family in different states, none around here though.

Gattina: How fun to read you have the same jokes! I guess the jokes could be the same everywhere just switching the nationalities and so on. And yes, the taste are really different. But that also makes it fun to travel; all the differences.

Raquel: Hope you are doing well in US and adjusting fine! Good to have someone who inderstands me:)

Ginnie: Thank you! I really liked Atlanta and was surprised how cozy it was. I was taken very good care of, and I will come back for sure. I will put pictures out soon:)

Unknown said...

Your father's blog brought me here.

It is amusing that you are on the other side of the world and buying ikea products. Looking forward to some pictures of your new home.

... and welcome to the blogging world!